Advanced Skin Substitutes


Advanced Skin Substitutes

Advanced skin substitutes are innovative treatments used to promote healing in complex wounds that do not respond well to traditional therapies. These substitutes are designed to mimic the structure and function of natural skin, providing a scaffold for new tissue growth and supporting the body's healing process.

Types of Wounds:

Advanced skin substitutes are used for various types of wounds, including burns, diabetic ulcers, venous ulcers, pressure ulcers, and surgical wounds that are difficult to heal. These wounds may be large, deep, or associated with underlying health conditions.


Symptoms of wounds that may benefit from advanced skin substitutes include pain, redness, swelling, drainage, and slow healing despite conventional treatments. These wounds can be debilitating and impact a person's quality of life.


Treatment with advanced skin substitutes involves applying bioengineered materials or biological dressings directly onto the wound bed. These substitutes are often made from human or animal-derived tissues, synthetic materials, or a combination of both. They promote healing by providing a barrier against infection, reducing pain, and encouraging the growth of new skin cells. Depending on the wound's severity and type, advanced skin substitutes may be used alone or in combination with other wound care techniques like debridement, compression therapy, or surgical interventions.

Here at Charleston Wound Care, we specialize in advanced skin substitutes as part of our comprehensive wound management approach. Our skilled team evaluates each patient's wound carefully to determine the most effective treatment plan tailored to their individual needs. If you or a loved one has a challenging wound, contact us to explore advanced skin substitutes and other innovative therapies

Branded Products we offer:

  • Innovamatrix:  is a skin substitute made from collagen and proteins, designed to help heal wounds by providing a scaffold for new tissue growth. It supports skin regeneration and creates a moist environment that aids in healing. At Charleston Wound Care, Innovamatrix is used to promote effective wound closure and reduce infection risks.
  • Affinity:  is a skin substitute made from bioengineered proteins that help wounds heal faster. It supports the growth of new tissue and provides a protective barrier to reduce infection risks. At Charleston Wound Care, Affinity is used to enhance healing and promote the closure of challenging wounds effectively.
  • Novachor:  is a skin substitute designed to aid wound healing by providing a scaffold for new tissue growth. It supports skin regeneration and helps maintain a moist environment essential for recovery. At Charleston Wound Care, Novachor is used to promote effective healing of complex wounds, reducing healing time and complications.
  • Puraply:  is a skin substitute made from purified collagen, applied as a flexible sheet to promote wound healing. It forms a protective barrier that supports tissue growth and maintains a moist environment for optimal recovery. At Charleston Wound Care, Puraply aids in healing complex wounds by enhancing skin regeneration.
  • Puraply XT:  is an advanced skin substitute made from purified collagen, designed to aid in wound healing. It forms a protective layer over the wound, promoting tissue regeneration and creating an optimal environment for healing. At Charleston Wound Care, Puraply XT is used to accelerate the closure of difficult wounds and reduce the risk of infection.
  • Apligraf:  is a skin substitute composed of living cells and collagen proteins, used to treat chronic wounds. It stimulates healing by providing a structure for new tissue growth and promoting natural skin repair processes. At Charleston Wound Care, Apligraf is employed to aid in the healing of difficult wounds and improve overall recovery outcomes.

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