Negative Pressure Therapy


Negative Pressure Therapy

Negative pressure therapy, also known as vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) therapy, is an advanced wound care technique used to promote healing in complex wounds. It involves applying a sealed dressing over the wound and using a vacuum pump to create negative pressure, which helps to draw out excess fluid and promote circulation to the wound bed.

Types of Wounds:

Negative pressure therapy is effective for treating a variety of wounds, including diabetic ulcers, pressure ulcers, surgical wounds, traumatic wounds, and large open wounds. These wounds may be challenging to heal due to their size, depth, or presence of infection.


Symptoms of wounds suitable for negative pressure therapy include slow healing, excessive drainage, foul odor, and tissue damage. These wounds can cause significant pain and discomfort, impacting daily activities and quality of life.


Treatment with negative pressure therapy involves applying a specialized dressing connected to a vacuum pump. The negative pressure helps to remove excess fluid (exudate) from the wound, reduce swelling, and promote blood flow, which accelerates healing. This therapy also creates a moist environment that supports tissue growth and helps to close the wound faster.

Here at Charleston Wound Care, we specialize in utilizing negative pressure therapy as part of our comprehensive wound management approach. Our experienced team assesses each patient's wound carefully and develops personalized treatment plans to optimize healing outcomes. If you have a complex or non-healing wound, contact us for expert evaluation and advanced care using negative pressure therapy.

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