Surgical Wounds


Surgical Wounds

Surgical wounds are incisions made during surgical procedures and can vary in size and depth depending on the operation. There are two main types: closed and open wounds.

Types of Surgical Wounds:

  • Closed Wounds: These are surgical incisions closed with stitches, staples, or adhesive strips. They typically heal with minimal complications if cared for properly.
  • Open Wounds: Some surgeries require leaving the wound open to heal from the inside out. These wounds are often packed with gauze to absorb drainage and promote healing.


Common symptoms include pain, swelling, redness, and mild drainage or bleeding around the wound site. Fever and increased pain may indicate infection and should be promptly evaluated.


Proper care of surgical wounds involves keeping the area clean and dry. Following the surgeon's instructions for changing dressings and keeping the wound protected helps prevent infection. Antibiotic ointments may be prescribed to reduce the risk of infection.

Here at Charleston Wound Care, we specialize in managing surgical wounds with expert care and attention to ensure optimal healing outcomes. Our team provides personalized treatment plans and monitors wound progress closely to address any concerns promptly. If you have recently undergone surgery or have concerns about a surgical wound, contact us for comprehensive evaluation and care tailored to your needs.

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